About Me
MeanPhyllisJean was born when I was getting a haircut in a salon that was new to me. I realized when I arrived that I was the oldest person there having just crossed over the 50's threshold. I immediately took note of everyone's age, dress, coolness factor and decided that I was extremely out of place. For the first time in my life, I felt invisible, completely uncool and unhip. I can't remember when I wasn't cool! I've always been ahead of the trends! I was a badass the day I was born! Well, not today. Definitely not today.
My punk rock hairdresser consulted with me and then asked me to walk over to the shampoo station. As I was walking over, I spied an absolutely beautiful, tiny gilded frame hanging on the wall. It was barely larger than a matchbook. I was drawn to it and as I got closer, I realized it was a worded cross-stitch. The words inside the frame were so tiny, I had to get super close to read it. As my nose was practically touching it, I read out loud, "You're A Drunk Whore."
I've never laughed so hard in all of my life. That was exactly what I needed to shake me out of my "Oh my God, I've turned into an old lady" stupor. I've always had a great sense of humor, sometimes dark and sometimes naughty. I instantly realized that how I was feeling was silly and exaggerated. I started thinking then and there about all the rude and snarky sayings I had inside of me and decided they needed to be shared!
Some of these may be new to you and some you've probably seen before. Bottom line, don't take yourself too seriously. We can all use a laugh at any age and sometimes it's even funnier to make fun of yourself. Live your life to the fullest, share the laughs, experience the joy and along the way, enjoy the snark!
The Chief Meanie In Charge

P.S. - I named the company after my mother Phyllis Jean, which is funny in itself because she doesn't have a mean bone in her body. She's very excited to have this business named after her, except for the cards and prints with the bad words. She wants everyone to know that she had absolutely nothing to do with those!